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It was 1911. Georgetown Law was then forty-one years old. It was an undergraduate program, as a college degree was unnecessary. Indeed, it was only a dozen years or less since Georgetown had begun to require a high school diploma for admission and had expanded to a three-year program. The degree granted was an LL.B., a bachelor of law, usually the first academic degree the student received. The school had recently grown to over 900 students. It was time to move forward.

That year, three dynamic young men enrolled at Georgetown: Eugene Quay, Horace H. Hagan, and John Cosgrove. They decided—perhaps with the encouragement of the dean or the faculty (the record is silent)—that it was time to move into the big leagues with a scholarly law journal. By 1911, there were four law journals. The University of Pennsylvania claims to have the oldest, going back to 1852, when it was known as the American Law Register. The Harvard Law Review was started in 1887, followed by the Yale Law Journal in 1891 and the Columbia Law Review in 1901. It was time for Georgetown to join that distinguished group.

Publication Citation

100 Geo. L.J. 1-4
