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There is no question that law practice has changed in recent decades. More lawyers work in larger units or newer forms of practice. Increasing numbers of lawyers come from previously excluded groups, including both women and minority demographic groups. After a period of economic boom there is general economic anxiety about the continued health and growth of the law "industry." This occurs as there is a general "speed up" in American work, the forms of law practice organization and billing for legal work are being renegotiated, and rates of dissatisfaction with the practice of law increase, especially among younger and newer lawyers. These are just some of the changes, broadly labeled, by this writer and others, as "transformations" in the legal profession, that have undoubtedly inspired the current effort to understand what the legal profession of the 21st Century will look like. These changes in the structure and organization of lawyering will have a profound effect on the way in which people labor as lawyers.

Publication Citation

44 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 621
