Congressional Briefing

Co-sponsored by Senators Mike Dewine (R-OH) and Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Workplace Flexibility 2010 and New America Foundation brought together a panel of experts for a briefing on the implications of work-family tensions on children, with a particular focus on the role of fathers. The briefing also highlighted how workplace flexibility is a necessary part of the response to this issue.

David Gray of the New America Foundation and Dr. Jean Flatley McGuire moderated the panel:

  • Barbara Schneider, Ph.D., John A. Hannah University Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Sociology, Michigan State University
  • Shelley M. MacDermid, Ph.D., Professor of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue University
  • David M. Almeida, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University

Flyer, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown University Law Center

Agenda, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown University Law Center

Biographies, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown University Law Center

Promoting Children's Well Being: The Need for Workplace Flexibility, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown University Law Center

Resources for Workplace Flexibility, Families and Child Development, Workplace Flexibility 2010, Georgetown University Law Center

'Dear Colleague' letter, Mike DeWine and Christopher J. Dodd