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The Warren Court is dead. None of its Justices remain on the benchindeed, only Justice White survives-and the recent history of the Supreme Court has been in large part a history of repudiating controversial Warren Court doctrines. Public opinion likewise repudiates Warren-style judicial activism, and constitutional scholarship-which as recently as the mid- 1980s consisted in considerable measure of theoretical defenses for Warren Court-inspired methods of interpreting the Bill of Rights-has grown increasingly skeptical of expansive interpretive strategies. It is quite possible that future constitutional historians will regard the Warren era as an aberration. The Warren Court, after all, was not just the most liberal Supreme Court in American history, but arguably the only liberal Supreme Court in American history.
Publication Citation
34 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 7
Scholarly Commons Citation
Luban, David, "The Warren Court and the Concept of a Right" (1999). Georgetown Law Faculty Publications and Other Works. 1748.