Letter of Invitation to a briefing on Meeting the Needs of Today's Families: The Role of Workplace Flexibility

Lamar Alexander, Senator
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator

Prepared on behalf of Workplace Flexibility 2010 by Senator Lamar Alexander and Sentator Hillary Rodham Clinton.


We are pleased to invite you and your staffto attend a briefing on Meeting the Needs of Today's Families: The Role of WorkplaceFlexibility. Co-hosted by Workplace Flexibility 2010 and the Workforce and Family Program ofthe New Ameri,caFoundation, the briefing will be held Monday, May 1 from noon to 1:30pm in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Box lunches will be provided.

Current research reveals a profound mismatch between the needs and priorities of America's families and the way that work is organized into full-time, full-year arrangements, often with few or no opportunities for time off. This briefing will provide you an opportunity to hear from the experts on how this mismatch is impacting marital well-being, child-rearing, and care-giving responsibilities, including elder care. The briefing will also highlight how workplace flexibility - including flexible work arrangements, short term time off, and part-time work - benefits families and how one-company is using flexibility as a key management strategy.