Submissions from 2008
Are We Dead Yet? The Lies We Tell to Keep Moving Forward Without Feeling, Mari J. Matsuda
Scottish Common Sense and Nineteenth-Century American Law: A Critical Appraisal, John Mikhail
After the Reasonable Man: Getting Over the Subjectivity Objectivity Question, Victoria Nourse
Equality's Future: An Introduction, Victoria Nourse
Does DOJ's Privilege Waiver Policy Threaten the Rationales Underlying the Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Doctrine? A Preliminary "No", Julie R. O'Sullivan
The DOJ Risks Killing the Golden Goose Through Computer Associates/Singleton Theories of Obstruction, Julie R. O'Sullivan
The Last Straw: The Department of Justice's Privilege Waiver Policy and the Death of Adversarial Justice in Criminal Investigations of Corporations, Julie R. O'Sullivan
Tinkering with Torture in the Aftermath of Hamdan: Testing the Relationship Between Internationalism and Constitutionalism, Catherine Powell
Codes and Hypertext: the Intertextuality of International and Comparative Law, Marylin J. Raisch
Moral Intuitions and Organizational Culture, Milton C. Regan
From Snail Mail to E-Mail: The Traditional Legal Memorandum in the Twenty-First Century, Kristen Konrad Robbins-Tiscione
"Anything You Say May Be Used Against You": A Proposed Seminar on the Lawyer’s Duty to Warn of Confidentiality’s Limits in Today's Post-Enron World, Paul F. Rothstein
Glimpses of the Priest as Dean, Legislator, and Friend, Paul F. Rothstein
Teaching Evidence, Paul F. Rothstein
Improving Immigration Adjudications through Competent Counsel, Andrew I. Schoenholtz and Hamutal Bernstein
Can Constitutionalism be Leftist?, Louis Michael Seiman
The Outrageous God: Emotional Distress, Tort Liability, and the Limits of Religious Advocacy, Jeffrey Shulman
What Yoder Wrought: Religious Disparagement, Parental Alienation and the Best Interests of the Child, Jeffrey Shulman
Constitutional Possibilities, Lawrence B. Solum
Incorporation and Originalist Theory, Lawrence B. Solum
Disintegration, Girardeau A. Spann
Post-Conflict Rule of Law Building: The Need for a Multi-Layered, Synergistic Approach, Jane E. Stromseth
Guilty Pleas or Trials: Which Does the Barrister Prefer?, Peter W. Tague
Introduction to Keynote Address: A Community of Reason and Rights, William Michael Treanor
Take-ings, William Michael Treanor
Gone in Sixty Milliseconds: Trademark Law and Cognitive Science, Rebecca Tushnet
Sight, Sound and Meaning: Teaching Intellectual Property with Audiovisual Materials, Rebecca Tushnet
Treaties as Law of the Land: The Supremacy Clause and the Judicial Enforcement of Treaties, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Submissions from 2007
A Radical Rejection of Universal Jurisdiction, Lama Abu-Odeh
Administering the Clean Water Act: Do Regulators Have "Bigger Fish to Fry" When it Comes to Addressing the Practice of Chumming on the Chesapeake Bay?, Hope M. Babcock
Grotius, Ocean Fish Ranching, and the Public Trust Doctrine: Ride 'Em Charlie Tuna, Hope M. Babcock
National Security and Environmental Laws: A Clear and Present Danger?, Hope M. Babcock
What’s International Law Got to Do With It? Transnational Law and the Intelligence Mission, James E. Baker
Underlying Principles, Randy E. Barnett
Private Standards, Public Governance: A New Look at the Financial Accounting Standards Board, William W. Bratton
Bottom Up Accountability, Edith Brown Weiss
Due Process Land Use Claims After Lingle, J. Peter Byrne
Creativity and Culture in Copyright Theory, Julie E. Cohen
Cyberspace As/And Space, Julie E. Cohen
Network Stories, Julie E. Cohen
Howard T. Markey, Sherman L. Cohn
Against Citizenship as a Predicate for Basic Rights, David Cole
The Grand Inquisitors, David Cole
The Man Behind the Torture, David Cole
The Poverty of Posner's Pragmatism: Balancing Away Liberty After 9/11, David Cole
Corporations and Commercial Speech, Ronald Collins, Mark Lopez, Tamara Piety, and David C. Vladeck
Affordable Housing, Land Tenure, and Urban Policy: The Matrix Revealed, Michael R. Diamond and J. Peter Byrne
Terrorism and Trial by Jury: The Vices and Virtues of British and American Criminal Law, Laura K. Donohue
Legislative Compromise and Tax Transition Policy, Michael Doran
New Hope for Corporate Governance in China?, James V. Feinerman
Do Charter Schools Threaten Public Education? Emerging Evidence from Fifteen Years of a Quasi-Market for Schooling, James Forman Jr.
The Rise and Fall of School Vouchers: A Story of Religion, Race, and Politics, James Forman Jr.
A Republic of the Mind: Cognitive Biases, Fiscal Federalism, and Section 164 of the Tax Code, Brian Galle
Designing Interstate Institutions: The Example of the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, Brian Galle
Odious, Not Debt, Anna Gelpern
Wal-Mart Bank in Mexico: Money to the Masses and the Home-Host Hole, Anna Gelpern
MRIs and the Perception of Risk, Steven Goldberg
Technology Unbound: Will Funded Libertarianism Dominate the Future?, Steven Goldberg
A Theory and Definition of Public Health Law, Lawrence O. Gostin
Biomedical Research Involving Prisoners: Ethical Values and Legal Regulation, Lawrence O. Gostin
Global Regulatory Strategies for Tobacco Control, Lawrence O. Gostin
Law as a Tool to Facilitate Healthier Lifestyles and Prevent Obesity, Lawrence O. Gostin
The "Tobacco Wars" - Global Litigation Strategies, Lawrence O. Gostin
Pandemic Influenza: Ethics, Law, and the Public's Health, Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin E. Berkman
Climate Change and the Clean Air Act, Lisa Heinzerling
Public-Private Health Law: Multiple Directions in Public Health, Nan D. Hunter
Author's Response, John H. Jackson
Equality in the War on Terror, Neal K. Katyal
Contracting for Cooperation in Recovery, Gregory Klass
Three Pictures of Contract: Duty, Power and Compound Rule, Gregory Klass
On Leaving Corporate Executives "Naked, Homeless and Without Wheels": Corporate Fraud, Equitable Remedies, and the Debate Over Entity Versus Individual Liability, Donald C. Langevoort
The Impact on Director and Officer Behavior: Reflective Essays, Donald C. Langevoort
The Social Construction of Sarbanes-Oxley, Donald C. Langevoort
Environmental Law After Katrina: Reforming Environmental Law by Reforming Environmental Lawmaking, Richard J. Lazarus
The Defense of Torture, David Luban
The Flood: Political Economy and Disaster, Mari J. Matsuda
Restorative Justice: What is it and Does it Work?, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
The Paradoxes of Cultural Property, Naomi Mezey
‘Plucking the Mask of Mystery from its Face’: Jurisprudence and H.L.A. Hart, John Mikhail
Our Other Reproductive Choices: Equality in Sex Education, Contraceptive Access, and Work-Family Policy, Cornelia T. Pillard
Doctrinal Issues in Evidence and Proof, Paul F. Rothstein
Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication, Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Jaya Ramji-Nogales, and Philip G. Schrag
Impacts of White, Roy A. Schotland
Judges' Pay: A Chasm Far Worse than Realized, and Worsening, Roy A. Schotland
Federal Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Public Interest Lawyers and other Employees of Governments and Nonprofit Organizations, Philip G. Schrag
"I Ain't Takin' No Plea": The Challenges in Counseling Young People Facing Serious Time, Abbe Smith
The Lawyer's "Conscience" and the Limits of Persuasion, Abbe Smith
Originalism and the Natural Born Citizen Clause, Lawrence B. Solum
Affirmative Inaction, Girardeau A. Spann
Pursuing Accountability for Atrocities After Conflict: What Impact on Building the Rule of Law?, Jane E. Stromseth
Guilty Pleas and Barristers' Incentives: Lessons from England, Peter W. Tague
A Unilateral Accident Model Under Ambiguity, Joshua C. Teitelbaum
Panel 1: KSR V. TELEFLEX: The Nonobviousness Requirement of Patentability, John R. Thomas, John Richards, Herbert F. Schwartz, and Steven J. Lee
A Tribute to Hon. George Bundy Smith: Welcome and Introduction, William Michael Treanor
Father Charles Whelan: A Career in the Service of Others, William Michael Treanor
Judge Marilyn Hall Patel: A Dedication, William Michael Treanor
Original Understanding and the Whether, Why, and How of Judicial Review, William Michael Treanor
Process Theory, Majoritarianism, and the Original Understanding, William Michael Treanor
Taking Text Too Seriously: Modern Textualism, Original Meaning, and the Case of Amar's Bill of Rights, William Michael Treanor