Submissions from 2006
Referring to Foreign Law in Constitutional Interpretation: An Episode in the Culture Wars, Mark V. Tushnet
The "Constitution Restoration Act" and Judicial Independence: Some Observations, Mark V. Tushnet
Weak-Form Judicial Review and "Core" Civil Liberties, Mark V. Tushnet
When Is Knowing Less Better than Knowing More? Unpacking the Controversy over Supreme Court Reference to Non-U.S. Law, Mark V. Tushnet
My Library: Copyright and the Role of Institutions in a Peer-to-Peer World, Rebecca Tushnet
Judicial Enforcement of Treaties: Self-Execution and Related Doctrines, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain and Human Rights Claims Against Corporations Under the Alien Tort Statute, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Solicitors General Panel on the Legacy of the Rehnquist Court, Seth P. Waxman, Walter E. Dellinger III, Maureen Mahoney, Theodore Olson, and Drew S. Days III
A Response to Goodwin Liu, Robin West
Constitutional Culture or Ordinary Politics: A Reply to Reva Siegel, Robin West
Desperately Seeking a Moralist, Robin West
Katrina, the Constitution, and the Legal Question Doctrine, Robin West
The Constitution's Political Deficit, Robin West
Unenumerated Duties, Robin West
What the Shutts Opt-Out Right is and What it Ought to Be, Brian Wolfman and Alan B. Morrison
Submissions from 2005
Commentary on John Makdisi's "Survey of AALS Law Schools Teaching Islamic Law", Lama Abu-Odeh
A Civic-Republican Vision of "Domestic Dependent Nations" in the Twenty-First Century: Tribal Sovereignty Re-Envisioned, Reinvigorated, and Re-Empowered, Hope M. Babcock
Letter of Appreciation: Peter Murphy Retires after a Lifetime of Dedication as Counsel to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, James E. Baker
Foreword: What's So Wicked About Lochner?, Randy E. Barnett
Grading Justice Kennedy: A Reply to Professor Carpenter, Randy E. Barnett
Limiting Raich, Randy E. Barnett
Trumping Precedent With Original Meaning: Not As Radical As It Sounds, Randy E. Barnett
Why You Should Read My Book Anyhow: A Reply to Trevor Morrison, Randy E. Barnett
Constitutive Commitments and Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights: A Dialogue, Randy E. Barnett and Cass R. Sunstein
American Medicine and the Politics of Race, Maxwell Gregg Bloche
Obesity and the Struggle Within Ourselves, Maxwell Gregg Bloche
Welfare, Dialectic, and Mediation in Corporate Law, William W. Bratton
Protecting Rights in the Age of Terrorism: Challenges and Opportunities, Rosa Brooks
The Politics of the Geneva Conventions: Avoiding Formalist Traps, Rosa Brooks
Failed States, or the State as Failure?, Rosa Ehrenreich Brooks
Condemnation of Low Income Residential Communities Under the Takings Clause, J. Peter Byrne
Property and Environment: Thoughts on an Evolving Relationship, J. Peter Byrne
Immunity For Foreign Officials: Possibly Too Much and Confusing As Well, Barry E. Carter
Getting the Politics Right on a National Gautreaux Program, Sheryll Cashin
Shall We Overcome? Transcending Race, Class, and Ideology Through Interest Convergence, Sheryll Cashin
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Coalition Politics, Sheryll Cashin
Comment: Copyright's Public-Private Distinction, Julie E. Cohen
The Place of the User in Copyright Law, Julie E. Cohen
Misassigning Income: The Supreme Court and Attorneys' Fees, Stephen B. Cohen
Words, Words, Words!!! Teaching the Language of Tax, Stephen B. Cohen
What Bush Wants to Hear, David Cole
Terrorist Speech and the Future of Free Expression, Laura K. Donohue
Cured Meat and Idaho Potatoes: A Comparative Analysis of European and American Protection and Enforcement of Geographic Indications of Foodstuffs, Lilian V. Faulhaber
Gay Is Good: The Moral Case for Marriage Equality and More, Chai R. Feldblum
Loss, Heidi Li Feldman
After Argentina, Anna Gelpern
What Iraq and Argentina Might Learn from Each Other, Anna Gelpern
Refocusing on Women: A New Direction for Policy and Research on Intimate Partner Violence, Lisa A. Goodman and Deborah Epstein
World Health Law: Toward a New Conception of Global Health Governance for the 21st Century, Lawrence O. Gostin
Applying Cost-Benefit to Past Decisions: Was Environmental Protection Ever a Good Idea?, Lisa Heinzerling, Frank Ackerman, and Rachel Massey
Loyalty, Paternalism, and Rights: Client Counseling Theory and the Role of Child's Counsel in Delinquency Cases, Kristin N. Henning
Community Self Help, Neal K. Katyal
The Very Idea of a First Amendment Right Against Compelled Subsidization, Gregory Klass
Tangled up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, David A. Koplow
Private Litigation to Enforce Fiduciary Duties in Mutual Funds: Derivative Suits, Disinterested Directors and the Ideology of Investor Sovereignty, Donald C. Langevoort
Human Nature, the Laws of Nature, and the Nature of Environmental Law, Richard J. Lazarus
Book Review of Luc Reydams, Universal Jurisdiciton: International and Municipal Legal Perspectives (2003), David Luban
Lawyers as Upholders of Human Dignity (When They Aren't Busy Assaulting It), David Luban
Liberalism, Torture, and the Ticking Bomb, David Luban
Love, Change, Mari J. Matsuda
Screening the Law: Ideology and Law in American Popular Culture, Naomi Mezey and Mark C. Niles
The Unfulfilled Promise of the Constitution in Executive Hands, Cornelia T. Pillard
Past, Present, and Future of Antitrust Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission, Robert Pitofsky
Lifting Our Veil of Ignorance: Culture, Constitutionalism, and Women's Human Rights in Post-September 11 America, Catherine Powell
Book Review of Jean Stefancic & Richard Delgado, How Lawyers Lose Their Way: A Profession Fails Its Creative Minds (2005), Milton C. Regan
Teaching Enron, Milton C. Regan
Anticompetitive Overbuying by Power Buyers, Steven C. Salop
Refugee Protection in the United States Post-September 11, Andrew I. Schoenholtz
Torture's Truth, Louis Michael Seidman
Spiritual Custody: Relational Rights and Constitutional Commitments, Jeffrey Shulman
Telling Stories and Keeping Secrets, Abbe Smith
The Dignity and Humanity of Bruce Springsteen's Criminals, Abbe Smith
The "Monster" in All of Us: When Victims Become Perpetrators, Abbe Smith
A Tournament of Virtue, Lawrence B. Solum
Judicial Selection: Ideology versus Character, Lawrence B. Solum
The Future of Copyright, Lawrence B. Solum
Constitutionalization, Girardeau A. Spann
Neutralizing Grutter, Girardeau A. Spann
Terror and Race, Girardeau A. Spann
Introduction: Global Challenges and the Role of International Law, Jane E. Stromseth
Academics and the Federal Circuit: Is There a Gulf and How Do We Bridge it?, John R. Thomas
Claim Re-Construction: The Doctrine of Equivalents in the Post-Markman Era, John R. Thomas
Introduction: The Fifth Annual A.A. Sommer, Jr. Lecture on Corporate, Securities & Financial Law, William Michael Treanor
Judicial Review Before Marbury, William Michael Treanor
Marilyn & Edward Bellet: A Dedication, William Michael Treanor
Controlling Executive Power in the War on Terrorism, Mark V. Tushnet
"Meet the New Boss": The New Judicial Center, Mark V. Tushnet
Artists Don't Get No Respect: Panel on Attribution and Integrity, Rebecca Tushnet, Jonathan Band, Robert Clarida, and Eugene Mopsik
Altmann v. Austria and the Retroactivity of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Direct vs. Indirect Obligations of Corporations Under International Law, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Preemption and Regulatory Failure, David C. Vladeck
Law's Nobility, Robin West
The Lawless Adjudicator, Robin West
Preventing the Subversion of Devlin v. Scardelletti, Brian Wolfman
Why Print and Electronic Resources Are Essential to the Academic Law Library, Michelle M. Wu
Turning from Damage Caps to Information Disclosure: An Alternative to Tort Reform, Kathryn Zeiler
Common-Law Disclosure Duties and the Sin of Omission: Testing the Meta-Theories, Kathryn Zeiler and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Submissions from 2004
Egyptian Feminism: Trapped in the Identity Debate, Lama Abu-Odeh
Lecture Commentary on Islam and International Law: Toward a Positive Mutual Engagement to Realize Shared Ideals, Lama Abu-Odeh