Submissions from 2009
Hidden Taxes, Brian Galle
The LDS Church, Proposition Eight, and the Federal Law of Charities, Brian Galle
Commentary, Anna Gelpern
Financial Crisis Containment, Anna Gelpern
Punishing Pharmaceutical Companies for Unlawful Promotion of Approved Drugs: Why the False Claims Act is the Wrong Rx, Vicki W. Girard
A Broader Liberty: JS Mill, Paternalism, and the Public’s Health, Lawrence O. Gostin and Kieran G. Gostin
Improving Laws and Legal Authorities for Obesity Prevention and Control, Lawrence O. Gostin and Jennifer L. Pomeranz
Assessing Laws and Legal Authorities for Obesity Prevention and Control, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jennifer L. Pomeranz, Peter D. Jacobson, and Richard N. Gottfried
What’s Wrong With Victims’ Rights in Juvenile Court?: Retributive v. Rehabilitative Systems of Justice, Kristin N. Henning
Conflicts Between Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO — What Should WTO Do?, Jennifer A. Hillman
The Medical Library Association Annual Meeting: How Technology is Changing Medicine and May Change the Law, Kumar Percy Jayasuriya
A Law Library Development Project in Iraq: Looking Back Two Years Later, Kimberli Kelmor
International Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Analysis and Communication in the United States, Kimberli Kelmor
Is Law an Economic Contest? French Reactions to the Doing Business World Bank Reports and Economic Analysis of the Law, Anne-Julie Kerhuel and Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson
A Conditional Intent to Perform, Gregory Klass
Intent to Contract, Gregory Klass
ASAT-isfaction: Customary International Law and the Regulation of Anti-Satellite Weapons, David A. Koplow
The SEC and the Madoff Scandal: Three Narratives in Search of a Story, Donald C. Langevoort
Super Wicked Problems and Climate Change: Restraining the Present to Liberate the Future, Richard J. Lazarus
Human Dignity, Humiliation, and Torture, David Luban
Empirical Health Law Scholarship: The State of the Field, Michelle M. Mello and Kathryn Zeiler
Asylum in a Different Voice: Judging Immigration Claims and Gender, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Chronicling the Complexification of Negotiation Theory and Practice, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
The Next Generation: Creating New Peace Processes in the Middle East, Carrie Menkel-Meadow and Irena Nutenko
Global Governance: The World Trade Organization's Contribution, Andrew D. Mitchell and Elizabeth Sheargold
A Tale of Two Lochners: The Untold History of Substantive Due Process and the Idea of Fundamental Rights, Victoria Nourse
Roscoe Pound, Melvin Belli, and the Personal-Injury Bar: The Tale of an Odd Coupling, Joseph A. Page
How (Not) to Think Like a Punisher, Alice G. Ristroph
Is Law? Constitutional Crisis and Existential Anxiety, Alice G. Ristroph
Updating the Merger Guidelines: Comments, Steven C. Salop and Serge Moresi
Labor Flexibility, Legal Reform and Economic Development, Alvaro Santos
A Plea for Reality, Roy A. Schotland
Making Sense of the Establishment Clause, Jeffrey Shulman
District of Columbia v. Heller and Originalism, Lawrence B. Solum
Doctrinal Dilemma, Girardeau A. Spann
Postracial Discrimination, Girardeau A. Spann
The Conscience of a Court, Girardeau A. Spann
Justice on the Ground: Can International Criminal Courts Strengthen Domestic Rule of Law in Post-Conflict Societies?, Jane E. Stromseth
Strengthening Demand for the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict Societies, Jane E. Stromseth
Against Textualism, William Michael Treanor
Dean Mary Daly: A Tribute, William Michael Treanor
Legal Obligations: The Proper Role of White House Lawyers, William Michael Treanor
Supreme Neglect of Text and History, William Michael Treanor
Economies of Desire: Fair Use and Marketplace Assumptions, Rebecca Tushnet
Fighting Freestyle: The First Amendment, Fairness, and Corporate Reputation, Rebecca Tushnet
Less than Zero?, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Missouri v. Holland’s Second Holding, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
The Separation of Powers as a Safeguard of Nationalism, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
A Reply to Pierre, Robin West
Comments on Roger Cotterrell's Essay, 'The Struggle for Law: Some Dilemmas of Cultural Legality', Robin West
From Choice to Reproductive Justice: De-Constitutionalizing Abortion Rights, Robin West
The Missing Jurisprudence of the Legislated Constitution, Robin West
Healthy Planet, Healthy People: Integrating Global Health into the International Response to Climate Change, Lindsay F. Wiley
The International Response to Climate Change: An Agenda for Global Health, Lindsay F. Wiley and Lawrence O. Gostin
Wyeth v. Levine and Its Implications, Brian Wolfman
Submissions from 2008
Administrative Law: Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law, 2007 National Lawyers Convention of the Federalist Society, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Transnational Spaces: Norms and Legitimacy, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Government as Educator: A New Understanding of First Amendment Protection of Academic Freedom and Governance, Judith C. Areen
Dual Regulation, Collaborative Management, or Layered Federalism: Can Cooperative Federalism Models from Other Laws Save Our Public Lands?, Hope M. Babcock
The National Environmental Policy Act in the Urban Environment: Oxymoron or a Useful Tool to Combat the Destruction of Neighborhoods and Urban Sprawl?, Hope M. Babcock
A Running Start: Getting “Law Ready” during a Presidential Transition, James E. Baker
The Twenty Year Test: Principles for an Enduring Counterterrorism Legal Architecture, James E. Baker
Constitutional Clichés, Randy E. Barnett
Kurt Lash's Majoritarian Difficulty: A Response to a Textual-Historical Theory of the Ninth Amendment, Randy E. Barnett
Scrutiny Land, Randy E. Barnett
The Choice Between Madison and FDR, Randy E. Barnett
The Golden Mean Between Kurt & Dan: A Moderate Reading of the Ninth Amendment, Randy E. Barnett
Climate Change, Intergenerational Equity, and International Law, Edith Brown Weiss
Privacy, Visibility, Transparency, and Exposure, Julie E. Cohen
A Larger War on Terror?, David Cole
No Reason to Believe: Radical Skepticism, Emergency Power, and Constitutional Constraint, David Cole
Panel: Restrictions on Freedom of Association Through Material Support Prohibitions and Visa Denials, David Cole
Rights Over Borders: Transnational Constitutionalism and Guantanamo Bay, David Cole
Terror Financing, Guilt by Association and the Paradigm of Prevention in the ‘War on Terror’, David Cole
The Brits Do It Better, David Cole
Intergenerational Equity in Fiscal Policy Reform, Michael Doran
Time to Start Over on Deferred Compensation, Michael Doran
Time to Start Over on Deferred Compensation, Michael Doran
Robert L. Oakley: In Memoriam, James V. Feinerman
Moral Conflict and Conflicting Liberties, Chai R. Feldblum
The ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Chai R. Feldblum, Kevin Barry, and Emily A. Benfer
Federal Fairness to State Taxpayers: Irrationality, Unfunded Mandates, and the 'Salt' Deduction, Brian Galle
Federal Grants, State Decisions, Brian Galle
Tax Fairness, Brian Galle
A Sovereign Wealth Turn, Anna Gelpern
Domestic Bonds, Credit Derivatives, and the Next Transformation of Sovereign Debt, Anna Gelpern
National and Global Health Law: A Scholarly Examination of the Most Pressing Health Hazards, Lawrence O. Gostin
Socioeconomic Disparities in Health: A Symposium on the Relationships Between Poverty and Health, Lawrence O. Gostin
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, Jill Elaine Hasday
Climate Change in the Supreme Court, Lisa Heinzerling
Risk Governance and Deliberative Democracy in Health Care, Nan D. Hunter
Unconscious Racism Revisited: Reflections on the Impact and Origins of "The Id, the Ego, and Equal Protection", Charles R. Lawrence III
Resolving the Foreclosure Crisis: Modification of Mortgages in Bankruptcy, Adam J. Levitin
Book Review of Bradin Cormack, A Power to Do Justice: Jurisdiction, English Literature, and the Rise of Common Law, 1509-1625 (2007), Jennifer Locke Davitt
Lawfare and Legal Ethics in Guantánamo, David Luban
On the Commander-In-Chief Power, David Luban
The Inevitability of Conscience: A Response to My Critics, David Luban
Torture and the Professions, David Luban