Submissions from 2021
Storming Zuckerberg’s Castle, Anupam Chander
Achieving Privacy: Costs of Compliance and Enforcement of Data Protection Regulation, Anupam Chander, Meaza Abraham, Sandeep Chandy, Yuan Fang, Dayoung Park, and Isabel Yu
Sovereignty 2.0, Anupam Chander and Haochen Sun
The Supreme Court, the Texas Abortion Law (SB8), and the Beginning of the End of Roe v Wade?, I. Glenn Cohen, Eli Y. Adashi, and Lawrence O. Gostin
From Lex Informatica to the Control Revolution, Julie E. Cohen
Congressional Oversight of US Intelligence Activities, Mary B. DeRosa
The Evolution and Jurisprudence of The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, Laura K. Donohue
Who Owns the Skies? Ad Coelum, Property Rights, and State Sovereignty, Laura K. Donohue
Federal Courts: Art. III(1), Art. I(8), Art. IV(3)(2), Art. II(2)/I(8)(3), and Art. II(1) Adjudication, Laura K. Donohue and Jeremy M. McCabe
The battle for COVID-19 vaccines highlights the need for a new global governance mechanism, Anna Mia Ekström, Camilla Berggren, Göran Tomson, Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter Friberg, and Ole Petter Ottersen
Of Sheepdogs and Ventriloquists: Government Lawyers in Two New Deal Agencies, Daniel R. Ernst
Textual Gerrymandering: The Eclipse of Republican Government in an Era of Statutory Populism, William N. Eskridge and Victoria Frances Nourse
From Liability Shields to Democratic Theory: What We Need from Tort Theory Now, Heidi Li Feldman
Massive Resistance--the Remix: Anti-Black Policymaking and the Poisoning of U.S. Public Education, Janel George
The Case for Chevron Deference to Immigration Adjudications, Patrick J. Glen
9 Steps to End COVID-19 and Prevent the Next Pandemic: Essential Outcomes From the World Health Assembly, Lawrence O. Gostin
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates—A Wider Freedom, Lawrence O. Gostin
The Coronavirus Pandemic 1 Year On—What Went Wrong?, Lawrence O. Gostin
Lockdowns, Quarantines, And Travel Restrictions, During COVID And Beyond: What’s The Law, And How Should We Decide?, Lawrence O. Gostin and Meryl Chertoff
Digital Health Passes in the Age of COVID-19: Are “Vaccine Passports” Lawful and Ethical?, Lawrence O. Gostin, I. Glenn Cohen, and Jana Shaw
How the Biden Administration Can Reinvigorate Global Health Security, Institutions, and Governance, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, and Sarah A. Wetter
An International Agreement on Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness, Lawrence O. Gostin, Sam F. Halabi, and Kevin A. Klock
No Future but a Shared Future, Lawrence O. Gostin, Kevin A. Klock, Sam F. Halabi, Katie Gottschalk, and Katherine Ginsbach
Developing an Innovative Pandemic Treaty to Advance Global Health Security, Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin Mason Meier, and Barbara Stocking
Twenty Years After the Anthrax Terrorist Attacks of 2001: Lessons Learned and Unlearned for the COVID-19 Response, Lawrence O. Gostin and Jennifer B. Nuzzo
Mandatory SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations in K-12 Schools, Colleges/Universities, and Businesses, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jana Shaw, and Daniel A. Salmon
Training Future Health Justice Leaders — A Role for Medical–Legal Partnerships, Edward B. Healton, William M. Treanor, John J. DeGioia, and Vicki W. Girard
Board Gender Diversity: A Path to Achieving Substantive Equality in the United States, Kimberly A. Houser and Jamillah Bowman Williams
In Search of Equality for Women: From Suffrage to Civil Rights, Nan D. Hunter
Sharing Technology and Vaccine Doses to Address Global Vaccine Inequity and End the COVID-19 Pandemic, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Madhavi Sunder
Drivers of Health Policy Adoption: A political economy of HIV treatment policy, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Kalind Parish, and Somya Gupta
Co-creating a Legal Check-up in a School-based Health Center Serving Low-income Adolescents, Lisa Kessler, Yael Cannon, Nicole Tuchinda, Ana Caskin, Christina Balz Ndjatou, Vicki W. Girard, and Deborah F. Perry
Arthur Linton Corbin, Gregory Klass
Going Global, Acting Local: How an International Pandemic Convention Can Support Regional and Community Response, Kevin A. Klock, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Sam F. Halabi
Corporate Adolescence: Why Did “We” Not Work?, Donald C. Langevoort and Hillary A. Sale
Trademarks as Surveillance Transparency, Amanda Levendowski
Complicity and Lesser Evils: A Tale of Two Lawyers, David Luban
Hannah Arendt Meets QAnon: Conspiracy, Ideology, and the Collapse of Common Sense, David Luban
Vertical Mergers in a Model of Upstream Monopoly and Incomplete Information, Serge Moresi, David Reitman, Steven C. Salop, and Yianis Sarafidis
Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines: What Parents, Practitioners, and Policy Makers Need to Know, William J. Moss, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Jennifer B. Nuzzo
A Taxonomy of Police Technology’s Racial Inequity Problems, Laura M. Moy
Facing Injustice: How Face Recognition Technology May Increase the Incidence of Misidentifications and Wrongful Convictions, Laura M. Moy
How to build more equitable vaccine distribution technology, Laura M. Moy and Yael Cannon
Race and Property Law, K-Sue Park
Citizens, Suspects, and Enemies: Examining Police Militarization, Milton C. Regan
BigLaw: Money and Meaning in the Modern Law Firm, Milton C. Regan and Lisa H. Rohrer
Confrontation's Multi-Analyst Problem, Paul F. Rothstein and Ronald J. Coleman
A Suggested Revision of the 2020 Vertical Merger Guidelines (July 2021), Steven C. Salop
Dominant Digital Platforms: Is Antitrust Up to the Task?, Steven C. Salop
Potential Competition and Antitrust Analysis: Monopoly Profits Exceed Duopoly Profits, Steven C. Salop
Trade, Economy, and Work: A Shared Agenda for a Stronger Economic Future, Alvaro Santos and Christopher Wilson
Constitutional Skepticism and Local Facts, Louis Michael Seidman
From Parchment to Dust: The Case for Constitutional Skepticism (Introduction), Louis Michael Seidman
Computational Complexity and Tort Deterrence, Joshua C. Teitelbaum
The Case of the Dishonest Scrivener: Gouverneur Morris and the Creation of the Federalist Constitution, William M. Treanor
Bivens and the Ancien Régime, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Testa, Crain, and the Constitutional Right to Collateral Relief, Carlos Manuel Vázquez and Stephen I. Vladeck
Executive Action to Expand Health Services in the Biden Administration, Timothy M. Westmoreland, Maxwell Gregg Bloche, and Lawrence O. Gostin
National focal points and implementation of the International Health Regulations, Kumanan Wilson, Sam F. Halabi, Helge Hollmeyer, Lawrence O. Gostin, David P. Fidler, Corinne Packer, Lindsay Wilson, and Ronald Labonté
Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California and its Implications, Brian Wolfman
How to Conclude a Brief, Brian Wolfman
Some Thoughts on Supplemental Authorities Under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(j) and Related Musings, Brian Wolfman
The Dreaded Parenthetical, Brian Wolfman
Could Private Legislation Be the First Key to Unlocking the Nation’s Information Resources in the Battle Against Misinformation?, Michelle M. Wu
Restoring the Balance of Copyright: Antitrust, Misuse, and Other Possible Paths to Challenge Inequitable Licensing Practices, Michelle M. Wu
The Corruption of Copyright and Returning It to Its Original Purposes, Michelle M. Wu
Submissions from 2020
Transportation in a Changing Climate: Innovating to Create Resilient, Low-Carbon Systems, Vicki Arroyo and Annie Bennett
Issuance of the Keystone XL Permit: Presidential Prerogative or Presidential “Chutzpah”, Hope M. Babcock
“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall:” A Reflection on the Constitutional Vulnerabilities of the Southwest Border Wall, Hope M. Babcock
Recommendations and Comments on the Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines, Jonathan B. Baker, Nancy L. Rose, Steven C. Salop, and Fiona Scott Morton
Three Keys to the Original Meaning of the Privileges or Immunities Clause, Randy E. Barnett
Illusory Conflicts: Post-Employment Clearance Procedures and the FTC’s Technological Expertise, Lindsey Barrett, Laura M. Moy, Paul Ohm, and Ashkan Soltani
The Cost of Legal Restrictions on Experience Rating, Levon Barseghyan, Francesca Molinari, Darcy Steeg Morris, and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
The Equitable Distribution of COVID-19 Therapeutics and Vaccines, Thomas J. Bollyky, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Margaret A. Hamburg
The New Principle-Practice Gap: The Disconnect between Diversity Beliefs and Actions in the Workplace, Jamillah Bowman Williams and Jonathan Cox
The Tax Treatment of Student Loan Discharge and Cancellation, John R. Brooks
Why a Wealth Tax is Definitely Constitutional, John R. Brooks and David Gamage
Redesigning Education Finance: How Student Loans Outgrew the “Debt” Paradigm, John R. Brooks and Adam J. Levitin
Stone Monuments and Flexible Laws: Removing Confederate Monuments Through Historic Preservation Laws, J. Peter Byrne
The Freedmen’s Memorial to Lincoln: A Postscript to Stone Monuments and Flexible Laws, J. Peter Byrne
Injustice is an Underlying Condition, Yael Cannon
How We Talk About the Press, Erin C. Carroll
News as Surveillance, Erin C. Carroll
Platforms and the Fall of the Fourth Estate: Looking Beyond the First Amendment to Protect Watchdog Journalism, Erin C. Carroll
Promoting Journalism as Method, Erin C. Carroll
Cicero and Barack Obama: How to Unite the Republic Without Losing Your Head, Michael J. Cedrone
Reverse Bayesianism and Act Independence, Surajeet Chakravarty, David Kelsey, and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
Is Data Localization a Solution for Schrems II?, Anupam Chander
The Stellenbosch Consensus on the International Legal Obligation to Collaborate and Assist in Addressing Pandemics: Clarifying Article 44 of the International Health Regulations, Margherita Cinà, Steven J. Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci, Thana Cristina de Campos, Danwood Chirwa, Stéphanie Dagron, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Lisa Forman, Lawrence O. Gostin, Roojin Habibi, Benjamin Mason Meier, Stefania Negri, Gorik Ooms, Sharifah Sekalala, Allyn Taylor, and Alicia Ely Yamin
Global Health with Justice: Controlling the Floodgates of the Upstream Determinants of Health through Evidence-Based Law, John Coggon and Lawrence O. Gostin
Postscript: COVID-19 and the Legal Determinants of Health, John Coggon and Lawrence O. Gostin
Digital Smartphone Tracking for COVID-19: Public Health and Civil Liberties in Tension, I. Glenn Cohen, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Daniel J. Weitzner
Tailoring Election Regulation: The Platform Is the Frame, Julie E. Cohen
The Law Against Family Separation, Carrie F. Cordero, Heidi Li Feldman, and Chimène Keitner
The Costs and Benefits of Affordable Housing: A Partial Solution to the Conflict of Competing Goods, Michael R. Diamond
Correlation and Constitutional Rights, Laura K. Donohue
New Media, Free Expression, and the Offences Against the State Acts, Laura K. Donohue
When does a major outbreak become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern?, David N. Durrheim, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Keymanthri Moodley
Conclusion: A Way Forward, Peter B. Edelman