Submissions from 2020
Discounting Credibility: Doubting the Stories of Women Survivors of Sexual Harassment, Deborah Epstein
Health Justice Is Racial Justice: A Legal Action Agenda For Health Disparities, Sheila Foster, Yael Cannon, and Maxwell Gregg Bloche
Probability, Presumptions and Evidentiary Burdens in Antitrust Analysis: Revitalizing the Rule of Reason for Exclusionary Conduct, Andrew I. Gavil and Steven C. Salop
Considering Law and Macroeconomics, Anna Gelpern and Adam J. Levitin
How medical-legal partnerships help address the social determinants of mental health, Vicki W. Girard, Yael Cannon, Prashasti Bhatnagar, and Susan Coleman
An Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Advocacy Skills: Lessons from an Academic Medical-Legal Partnership, Vicki W. Girard, Eileen S. Moore, Lisa P. Kessler, Deborah F. Perry, and Yael Cannon
Interring the Immigration Rule of Lenity, Patrick J. Glen
Robert F. Kennedy and the Attorney General's Referral Authority: A Blueprint for the Biden Administration, Patrick J. Glen
COVID-19 Reveals Urgent Need to Strengthen the World Health Organization, Lawrence O. Gostin
Do bans help modern public health?, Lawrence O. Gostin
Legal Solutions for Universal Health Coverage, Lawrence O. Gostin
Science, Leadership, and Public Trust in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lawrence O. Gostin
The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020—7 Critical Lessons, Lawrence O. Gostin
The Legal Determinants of Health: How Can We Achieve Universal Health Coverage and What Does it Mean?, Lawrence O. Gostin
Universal Masking in the United States: The Role of Mandates, Health Education, and the CDC, Lawrence O. Gostin, I. Glenn Cohen, and Jeffrey P. Koplan
The Shibboleth of Human Rights in Public Health, Lawrence O. Gostin, Tamira Daniely, Hanna E. Huffstetler, Caitlin R. Williams, and Benjamin Mason Meier
Health Inequalities, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
Imagining Global Health with Justice: Transformative Ideas for Health and Wellbeing While Leaving No One Behind, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
Responding to COVID‐19: How to Navigate a Public Health Emergency Legally and Ethically, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, and Sarah A. Wetter
Reforming and Strengthening the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Five Key Reforms to Renew the Agency’s Stature and Effectiveness, Lawrence O. Gostin and Sandro Galea
Has Global Health Law Risen to Meet the COVID-19 Challenge? Revisiting the International Health Regulations to Prepare for Future Threats, Lawrence O. Gostin, Roojin Habibi, and Benjamin Mason Meier
US Emergency Legal Responses to Novel Coronavirus: Balancing Public Health and Civil Liberties, Lawrence O. Gostin and James G. Hodge
Legal Interventions to Address US Reductions in Life Expectancy, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge, and Donna E. Levin
Presidential Powers and Response to COVID-19, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., and Lindsay F. Wiley
Facilitating Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine through Global Health Law, Lawrence O. Gostin, Safura Abdool Karim, and Benjamin Mason Meier
Introduction: Global Health and Human Rights, Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier
Health Policy in the Supreme Court and a New Conservative Majority, Lawrence O. Gostin, Wendy E. Parmet, and Sara Rosenbaum
The Dual Epidemics of COVID-19 and Influenza: Vaccine Acceptance, Coverage, and Mandates, Lawrence O. Gostin and Daniel A. Salmon
Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines, Lawrence O. Gostin, Daniel A. Salmon, and Heidi J. Larson
A global health action agenda for the Biden administration, Lawrence O. Gostin, Donna E. Shalala, Margaret A. Hamburg, Barry R. Bloom, Jeffrey P. Koplan, Barbara K. Rimer, and Michelle A. Williams
Using COVID-19 to Strengthen the WHO: Promoting Health and Science Above Politics, Lawrence O. Gostin and Sarah A. Wetter
Governmental Public Health Powers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stay-at-home Orders, Business Closures, and Travel Restrictions, Lawrence O. Gostin and Lindsay F. Wiley
Regulating Medicines in a Globalized World With Increased Recognition and Reliance Among Regulators: A National Academies Report, Lawrence O. Gostin, Alastair J. Wood, and Patricia A. Cuff
Formulating the International Tax Debate: Where Does Formulary Apportionment Fit?, Itai Grinberg
The Stellenbosch Consensus on Legal National Responses to Public Health Risks: Clarifying Article 43 of the International Health Regulations, Roojin Habibi, Steven J. Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci, Thana Cristina de Campos, Danwood Chirwa, Margherita Cinà, Stéphanie Dagron, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Lisa Forman, Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin Mason Meier, Stefania Negri, Gorik Ooms, Sharifah Sekalala, Allyn Taylor, and Alicia Ely Yamin
Restoring the Historical Rule of Lenity as a Canon, Shon Hopwood
The Misplaced Trust in the DOJ's Expertise on Criminal Justice Policy, Shon Hopwood
Asymmetric Stakes in Antitrust Litigation, Erik Hovenkamp and Steven C. Salop
Reconstructing Liberty, Equality, and Marriage: The Missing Nineteenth Amendment Argument, Nan D. Hunter
The Lancet–O’Neill Institute/Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and Law: The Power of Law to Advance the Right to Health, Jenny Kaldor, Lawrence O. Gostin, John T. Monahan, and Katie Gottschalk
Access to lifesaving medical resources for African countries: COVID-19 testing and response, ethics, and politics, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Ngozi A. Erondu, Oyewale Tomori, Victor J. Dzau, Emelda A. Okiro, Allan Maleche, Ifeyinwa C. Aniebo, Umunya Rugege, Charles B. Holmes, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Tuberculosis, human rights, and law reform: Addressing the lack of progress in the global tuberculosis response, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Lawrence O. Gostin, and John Stephens
False Advertising Law and New Private Law, Gregory Klass
Promise, Agreement, Contract, Gregory Klass
How to Keep the United States in the WHO: Immediate Withdrawal Would Be a Global Health and a Legal Disaster, Harold Hongju Koh and Lawrence O. Gostin
A Global Survey of Potential Acceptance of a COVID-19 Vaccine, Jeffrey V. Lazarus, Scott C. Ratzan, Adam Palayew, Lawrence O. Gostin, Heidi J. Larson, Kenneth Rabin, Spencer Kimball, and Ayman El-Mohandes
Fiduciary Legal Ethics, Zeal, and Moral Activism, David Luban
Pandemic as Opportunity for Competence Restoration Decarceration, Susan A. McMahon
The World Health Organization in Global Health Law, Benjamin Mason Meier, Allyn Taylor, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Roojin Habibi, Sharifah Sekalala, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Quantifying the Increase in “Effective Concentration” from Verticle Mergers that Raise Input Foreclosure Concerns: Comment on the Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines, Serge Moresi and Steven C. Salop
When Vertical is Horizontal: How Vertical Mergers Lead to Increases in “Effective Concentration”, Serge Moresi and Steven C. Salop
An Analysis of International Health Regulations Emergency Committees and Public Health Emergency of International Concern Designations, Lucia Mullen, Christina Potter, Lawrence O. Gostin, Anita Cicero, and Jennifer B. Nuzzo
How Well Does Societal Mobility Restriction Help Control the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Real-Time Evaluation, Juhwan Oh, Hwa-Young Lee, Khuong Quynh Long, Jeffrey F. Markuns, Chris Bullen, Osvaldo Enrique Artaza Barrios, Seung-sik Hwang, Young Sahng Seo, Judith McCool, S. Patrick Kachur, Chang-Chung Chan, Soonman Kwon, Naoki Kondo, Hoang Van Minh, J. Robin Moon, Mikael Rostila, Ole F. Norheim, Myoungsoon You, Mellissa Withers, Mu Lil, Eun-Jeung Lee, Caroline Benski, Soo Kyung Park, Eun-Woo Nam, Katie Gottschalk, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Jong-Koo Lee, Martin McKee, S. V. Subramanian, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Conquest and Slavery in the Property Law Course: Notes for Teachers, K-Sue Park
The Novel Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China: Challenges for Global Health Governance, Alexandra Phelan, Rebecca Katz, and Lawrence O. Gostin
International Law and Theories of Global Justice, Steven Ratner, David Luban, Carmen Pavel, Jiewuh Song, and James Stewart
The Value Proposition of the Global Health Security Index, Sanjana J. Ravi, Kelsey Lane Warmbrod, Lucia Mullen, Diane Meyer, Elizabeth Cameron, Jessica Bell, Priya Bapat, Michael Paterra, Catherine Machalaba, Indira Nath, Lawrence O. Gostin, Wilmot James, Dylan George, Simo Nikkari, Ernesto Gozzer, Oyewale Tomori, Issa Makumbi, and Jennifer B. Nuzzo
Capitalizing on Healthy Lawyers: The Business Case for Law Firms to Promote and Prioritize Lawyer Well-Being, Jarrod F. Reich
Lighting the Fires of Learning in Law School: Implementing ABA Standard 314 by Incorporating Effective Formative Assessment Techniques Across the Curriculum, Julie L. Ross and Diana R. Donahoe
Confronting Memory Loss, Paul F. Rothstein and Ronald J. Coleman
The 2020 Vertical Merger Guidelines: A Suggested Revision (March 26, 2020), Steven C. Salop
Vertical Merger Enforcement Actions: 1994–April 2020, Steven C. Salop and Daniel P. Culley
The 2010 HMGs Ten Years Later: Where Do We Go From Here?, Steven C. Salop and Fiona Scott Morton
Drug Policy Reform in the Americas: A Welcome Challenge to International Law, Alvaro Santos
The Trouble with Identity and Progressive Origins in Defending Labour Law, Alvaro Santos
Is It Lawful and Ethical to Prioritize Racial Minorities for COVID-19 Vaccines?, Harald Schmidt, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Michelle A. Williams
Rationing Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccines: Allocating to States Proportionate to Population May Undermine Commitments to Mitigating Health Disparities, Harald Schmidt, Parag A. Pathak, Michelle A. Williams, Tayfun Sönmez, M. Utku Ünver, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines: An Analysis of the Initial Allocation Plans of CDC's Jurisdictions with Implications for Disparate Impact Monitoring, Harald Schmidt, Rebecca Weintraub, Michelle A. Williams, Alison Buttenheim, Emily Sadecki, Helen Wu, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Angela A. Shen
Rucho Is Right – But for the Wrong Reasons, Louis Michael Seidman
The Ratchet Wreck: Equality’s Leveling Down Problem, Louis Michael Seidman
Can You Be a Feminist and a Criminal Defense Lawyer?, Abbe Smith
Covid-19 Crisis Triage — Optimizing Health Outcomes and Disability Rights, Mildred Z. Solomon, Matthew K. Wynia, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Chevron As Construction, Lawrence B. Solum and Cass R. Sunstein
Gerrymandering Justiciability, Girardeau A. Spann
Accelerating Deep Decarbonization in the U.S. Transportation Sector, Daniel Sperling, Lewis Fulton, and Vicki Arroyo
Pay to Play? Campaign Finance and the Incentive Gap in the Sixth Amendment's Right to Counsel, Neel U. Sukhatme and Jay Jenkins
The International Intellectual Property Commercialization Council’s 3rd Annual U.S. Conference: The State of Innovation in the Union, Neel U. Sukhatme, Paul R. Zielinski, G. Nagesh Rao, PJ Bellomo, Matthew Byers, Meghan Gaffney Buck, and Everardo Ruiz
States’ Evolving Role in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, David A. Super
The Genius of Hamilton and the Birth of the Modern Theory of the Judiciary, William M. Treanor
Choice of Law as Extraterritoriality, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Extraterritoriality as Choice of Law, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Consent, Legitimation, and Dysphoria, Robin West
Law’s Sentiments, Robin West
Kicked Out, Kicked Again: The Discharge Review Boards’ Illiberal Application of Liberal Consideration for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Jessica Lynn Wherry
(Not the) Same Old Story: Invisible Reasons for Rejecting Invisible Wounds, Jessica Lynn Wherry
The International Health Regulations (2005), the threat of populism and the COVID-19 pandemic, Kumanan Wilson, Sam F. Halabi, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Copyright Reform: Imagining More Balanced Copyright Laws, Michelle M. Wu
Submissions from 2019
Janet Halley and the Art of Status Quo Maintenance, Lama Abu-Odeh
Post Secularism and the Woman Question, Lama Abu-Odeh
Critical Issues in Transportation 2019: Climate Change Resilience, Vicki Arroyo
From Paris to Pittsburgh: U.S. State and Local Leadership in an Era of Trump, Vicki Arroyo
One-Legged Contracting, Ian Ayres and Gregory Klass
The Genie is Out of the De-Extinction Bottle: A Problem in Risk Regulation and Regulatory Gaps, Hope M. Babcock
The Public Trust Doctrine, Outer Space, and the Global Commons: Time to Call Home ET, Hope M. Babcock
Five Principles for Vertical Merger Enforcement Policy, Jonathan B. Baker, Nancy L. Rose, Steven C. Salop, and Fiona Scott Morton
The Declaration of Independence and the American Theory of Government: “First Come Rights, and Then Comes Government”, Randy E. Barnett
No Arbitrary Power: An Originalist Theory of the Due Process of Law, Randy E. Barnett and Evan Bernick
The Difference Narrows: A Reply to Kurt Lash, Randy E. Barnett and Evan Bernick
The Privileges or Immunities Clause Abridged: A Critique of Kurt Lash on the Fourteenth Amendment, Randy E. Barnett and Evan Bernick