Submissions from 2017
A Regulatory Theory of Legal Claims, J. Maria Glover
The Supreme Court’s “Non-Transsubstantive” Class Action, J. Maria Glover
2016: The Year of the Soda Tax, Lawrence O. Gostin
“America First”: Prospects for Global Health, Lawrence O. Gostin
"America's Health First": A Misnomer, Lawrence O. Gostin
Best Evidence Aside: Why Trump's Executive Order Makes America Less Healthy, Lawrence O. Gostin
Hunger, Health, and Compassion, Lawrence O. Gostin
Our Shared Vulnerability to Dangerous Pathogens, Lawrence O. Gostin
The “Great” Generation and a Not-So-Great Health System, Lawrence O. Gostin
The World Health Organization’s Ninth Director-General: The Leadership of Tedros Adhanom, Lawrence O. Gostin
Global Health Security in an Era of Explosive Pandemic Potential, Lawrence O. Gostin and Ana Ayala
Advancing the Right to Health: The Vital Role of Law, Lawrence O. Gostin, Oscar A. Cabrera, David Patterson, Roger Magnusson, and Helena Nygren-Krug
The Global Health Law Trilogy: Towards a Safer, Healthier, and Fairer World, Lawrence O. Gostin, Mary Clare DeBartolo, and Rebecca Katz
Global Health: A Moment of Opportunity and Peril, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
Reimagining WHO: Leadership and Action for a New Director-General, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
Reframing the Opioid Epidemic as a National Emergency, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge, and Sarah A. Noe
Advancing the Right to Health—The Vital Role of Law, Lawrence O. Gostin, Roger S. Magnusson, Rüdiger Krech, David W. Patterson, Steven A. Solomon, Derek Walton, Gian Luca Burci, Katharina Ó Cathaoir, Sarah A. Roache, and Marie-Paule Kieny
Presidential Immigration Policies Endangering Health and Well-being?, Lawrence O. Gostin and Katharina Ó Cathaoir
The Untapped Power of Soda Taxes: Incentivizing Consumers, Generating Revenue, and Altering Corporate Behavior, Lawrence O. Gostin and Sarah A. Roache
A Destination-Based Cash Flow Tax Can Be Structured to Comply with World Trade Organization Rules, Itai Grinberg
The House GOP Blueprint Can Be Drafted to Comply with WTO Rules, Itai Grinberg
Macroeconomic Modeling of Tax Policy: A Comparison of Current Methodologies, Itai Grinberg, Alan J. Auerbach, Thomas A. Barthold, Nicholas Bull, W. Gavin Elkins, Pamela J. Moomau, Rachel Moore, Benjamin Page, Brandon Pecoraro, and Kyle Pomerleau
Independence at the Top of the Triangle: Best Resolution of the Judicial Trilemma?, Jennifer A. Hillman
Why the Ryan-Brady Tax Proposal Will Be Found to Be Inconsistent with WTO Law, Jennifer A. Hillman
Legal Aspects of Brexit: Implications of the United Kingdom's Decision to Withdraw from the European Union, Jennifer A. Hillman and Gary N. Horlick
Varieties of Constitutional Experience: Democracy and the Marriage Equality Campaign, Nan D. Hunter
Contract Exposition and Formalism, Gregory Klass
The Rules of the Game and the Morality of Efficient Breach, Gregory Klass
Cultures of Compliance, Donald C. Langevoort
From Texas Gulf Sulphur to Chiarella: A Tale of Two Duties, Donald C. Langevoort
Of Spies, Saboteurs, and Enemy Accomplices: History’s Lessons for the Constitutionality of Wartime Military Tribunals, Martin S. Lederman
Philosophical Legal Ethics: An Affectionate History, David Luban and W. Bradley Wendel
Analogical Reasoning, Susan A. McMahon and Sonya G. Bonneau
Picking and Choosing Text: Lessons for Statutory Interpretation from the Philosophy of Language, Victoria Frances Nourse
Administrative Rights in Institutional Perspective, Eloise Pasachoff
Law as a Fixture between the One Health Interfaces of Emerging Diseases, Alexandra Phelan and Lawrence O. Gostin
Nonprofit Displacement and the Pursuit of Charity Through Public Benefit Corporations, Alicia E. Plerhoples
Demystifying Burdens of Proof and the Effect of Rebuttable Evidentiary Presumptions in Civil and Criminal Trials, Paul F. Rothstein
An Enquiry Meet for the Case: Decision Theory, Presumptions, and Evidentiary Burdens in Formulating Antitrust Legal Standards, Steven C. Salop
The Raising Rivals' Cost Foreclosure Paradigm, Conditional Pricing Practices, and the Flawed Incremental Price-Cost Test, Steven C. Salop
Market Definition, Steven C. Salop, Serge Moresi, and John R. Woodbury
Whither Antitrust Enforcement in the Trump Administration?, Steven C. Salop and Carl Shapiro
Making CLE Voluntary and Pro Bono Mandatory: A Law Faculty Test Case, Rima Sirota
Judges as Bullies, Abbe L. Smith
Virtue as the End of Law: An Aretaic Theory of Legislation, Lawrence B. Solum
Delaware’s Dominance: A Peculiar Illustration of American Federalism, Robert Thompson
Why New Corporate Law Arises: Implications for the 21st Century, Robert Thompson
“Best Practices”: A Giant Step Toward Ensuring Compliance With ABA Standard 405(c), a Small Yet Important Step Toward Addressing Gender Discrimination in the Legal Academy, Kristen K. Tiscione
Fixing Incontestability: The Next Frontier?, Rebecca Tushnet
The Constitutional Right to Collateral Post-Conviction Review, Carlos Manuel Vázquez and Stephen I. Vladeck
Consensual Sexual Dysphoria: A Challenge for Campus Life, Robin West
In Praise of Richard Weisberg's Intransigence, Robin West
The New Legal Criticism, Robin West
Piece by Piece Review of Digitize-and-Lend Projects Through the Lens of Copyright and Fair Use, Michelle M. Wu
Submissions from 2016
Syria: The Name of our Shame, Lama Abu-Odeh
A Brook with Legal Rights: The Rights of Nature in Court, Hope M. Babcock
Foreword: Why Popular Sovereignty Requires the Due Process of Law to Challenge "Irrational or Arbitrary" Statutes, Randy E. Barnett
Don't Forget the Standard Deduction, John R. Brooks
Income-Driven Repayment and the Public Financing of Higher Education, John R. Brooks
Quasi-Public Spending, John R. Brooks
Student Loans as Taxes, John R. Brooks
Taxation as Insurance, John R. Brooks
The Missing Tax Benefit of Donor-Advised Funds, John R. Brooks
Treasury Should Exclude Income From Discharge of Student Loans, John R. Brooks
Climate Exactions, J. Peter Byrne and Kathryn A. Zyla
Creating Space for Silence in Law School Collaborations, A. Rachel Camp
Adverse Childhood Experiences in the New Mexico Juvenile Justice Population, Yael Cannon, George Davis, Andrew Hsi, and Alexandra Bochte
Disrupting the Path from Childhood Trauma to Juvenile Justice: An Upstream Health and Justice Approach, Yael Cannon and Andrew Hsi
Protecting the Watchdog: Using the Freedom of Information Act to Preference the Press, Erin C. Carroll
The Regulatory State in the Information Age, Julie E. Cohen
After Snowden: Regulating Technology-Aided Surveillance in the Digital Age, David Cole
A Response to Professor Samuel Rascoff’s Presidential Intelligence, Carrie F. Cordero
The International Right to Health: What Does It Mean in Legal Practice and How Can It Affect Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage?, Rebecca Dittrich, Leonardo Cubillos, Lawrence O. Gostin, Ryan Li, and Kalipso Chalkidou
The Original Fourth Amendment, Laura K. Donohue
The Luxembourg Effect: Patent Boxes and the Limits of International Cooperation, Lilian V. Faulhaber
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Achieving the Vision of Global Health with Justice, Eric A. Friedman and Lawrence O. Gostin
Pay It Forward? Law and the Problem of Restricted-Spending Philanthropy, Brian Galle
Courts and Sovereigns in the Pari Passu Goldmines, Anna Gelpern
Sovereign Debt: Now What?, Anna Gelpern
The Puzzle of PDVSA Bond Prices, Anna Gelpern, Paolo Colla, and Mitu Gulati
Inside Safe Assets, Anna Gelpern and Erik F. Gerding
Alternative Litigation Finance and the Limits of the Work-Product Doctrine, J. Maria Glover
'Big Food' Is Making America Sick, Lawrence O. Gostin
Imagining Global Health with Justice, Lawrence O. Gostin
The Next WHO Director-General’s Highest Priority: a Global Treaty on the Human Right to Health, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, Paulo Buss, Mushtaque Chowdhury, Anand Grover, Mark Heywood, Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra, Gabriel Leung, Judith MacKay, Precious Matsoso, Sigrun Mogedal, Joia S. Mukherjee, Francis Omaswa, Joy Phumaphi, K. Srinath Reddy, Mirta Roses Periago, Joe Thomas, Oyewale Tomori, Miriam Were, and Debrework Zewdie
Is the United States Prepared for a Major Zika Virus Outbreak?, Lawrence O. Gostin and James G. Hodge Jr.
Zika Virus and Global Health Security, Lawrence O. Gostin and James G. Hodge Jr.
The Affordable Care Act: Moving Forward in the Coming Years, Lawrence O. Gostin, David Hyman, and Peter D. Jacobson
The International Health Regulations: The Governing Framework for Global Health Security, Lawrence O. Gostin and Rebecca Katz
A Public Health Framework for Screening Mammography: Evidence-Based Versus Politically Mandated Care, Lawrence O. Gostin and Kenneth W. Lin MD
A Yellow Fever Epidemic: A New Global Health Emergency?, Lawrence O. Gostin and Daniel Lucey
The Emerging Zika Pandemic: Enhancing Preparedness, Lawrence O. Gostin and Daniel Lucey
Neglected Dimensions of Global Security: The Global Health Risk Framework Commission, Lawrence O. Gostin, Carmen C. Mundaca-Shah, and Patrick W. Kelley
Women's Health and Abortion Rights: Whole Woman's Health v Hellerstedt, Lawrence O. Gostin and Rebecca B. Reingold
Physician Assisted Dying: A Turning Point?, Lawrence O. Gostin and Anna E. Roberts
Toward a Common Secure Future: Four Global Commissions in the Wake of Ebola, Lawrence O. Gostin, Oyewale Tomori, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Ashish K. Jha, Julio Frenk, Suerie Moon, Joy Phumaphi, Peter Piot, Barbara Stocking, Victor J. Dzau, and Gabriel M. Leung
A Constructive U.S. Counter to EU State Aid Cases, Itai Grinberg
The New International Tax Diplomacy, Itai Grinberg
Inmate Legal Information Requests Analysis: Empirical Data to Inform Library Purchases in Correctional Institutions, Kimberli Kelmor
Legal Formulations of a Human Right to Information: Defining a Global Consensus, Kimberli Kelmor