Submissions from 2015
Strengthening the Detection of and Early Response to Public Health Emergencies: Lessons from the West African Ebola Epidemic, Mark J. Siedner, Lawrence O. Gostin, Hilarie H. Cranmer, and John D. Kraemer
Good Faith Discrimination, Girardeau A. Spann
Anti-Primacy: Sharing Power in American Corporations, Robert B. Thompson
From Hierarchies to Markets: FedEx Drivers and the Work contract as Institutional Marker, Julia Tomassetti
A Mask That Eats into the Face: Images and the Right of Publicity, Rebecca Tushnet
Content, Purpose, or Both?, Rebecca Tushnet
COOL Story: Country of Origin Labeling and the First Amendment, Rebecca Tushnet
Free To Be You and Me? Copyright and Constraint, Rebecca Tushnet
The Romantic Author and the Romance Writer: Resisting Gendered Concepts of Creativity, Rebecca Tushnet
What's the Harm of Trademark Infringement?, Rebecca Tushnet
The Abiding Exceptionalism of Foreign Relations Doctrine, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Freedom of the Church and our Endangered Civil Rights: Exiting the Social Contract, Robin West
Gatsby and Tort, Robin West
Hobby Lobby, Birth Control and Our ongoing Cultural Wars: Pleasure and Desire in the Crossfires, Robin West
Nowhere to Run; Nowhere to Hide: The Reality of Being a Law Library Director in Times of Great Opportunity and Significant Challenges, Michelle Wu, Pauline Aranas, Steven M. Barkan, Barbara Bintliff, Darin K. Fox, Penny A. Hazelton, Joan S. Howland, Spencer L. Simons, and Keith Ann Stiverson
Submissions from 2014
The Responsibility to Solve: The International Community and Protracted Refugee Situations, T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Stephen Poellot
Uncovering the Reformation Roots of American Marriage and Divorce Law, Judith C. Areen
A Possible Solution to the Problem of Diminishing Tribal Sovereignty, Hope M. Babcock
How the Supreme Court Uses the Certiorari Process in the Ninth Circuit To Further Its Pro-Business Agenda: A Strange Pas de Deux with an Unfortunate Coda, Hope M. Babcock
Process, Practice, and Principle: Teaching National Security Law and the Knowledge that Matters Most, James E. Baker
The Judicial Duty to Scrutinize Legislation, Randy E. Barnett
We the People: Each and Every One, Randy E. Barnett
Unsatisfying Wars: Degrees of Risk and the Jus ex Bello, Gabriella Blum and David Luban
Fiscal Federalism as Risk-Sharing: The Insurance Role of Redistributive Taxation, John R. Brooks
Civilians and Armed Conflict, Rosa Brooks
Cross-Border Targeted Killings: "Lawful but Awful"?, Rosa Brooks
Duck-Rabbits and Drones: Legal Indeterminacy in the War on Terror, Rosa Brooks
Humanitarian Intervention: Evolving Norms, Fragmenting Consensus (Remarks), Rosa Brooks
The Trickle-Down War, Rosa Brooks
Voluntary Commitments as Emerging Instruments in International Environmental Law, Edith Brown Weiss
Clinical Collaborations: Going Global to Advance Social Entrepreneurship, Deborah Burand, Susan R. Jones, Jonathan Ng, and Alicia E. Plerhoples
Place, Not Race: Affirmative Action and the Geography of Educational Opportunity, Sheryll Cashin
The Difference Prevention Makes: Regulating Preventive Justice, David Cole
Bulk Metadata Collection: Statutory and Constitutional Considerations, Laura K. Donohue
FISA Reform, Laura K. Donohue
Pandemic Disease, Biological Weapons, and War, Laura K. Donohue
Charitable Giving, Tax Expenditures, and Direct Spending in the United States and the European Union, Lilian V. Faulhaber
Toward an Ethics of Being Lobbied: Affirmative Obligations to Listen, Heidi Li Feldman
The Rise and Fall of Unconscionability as the 'Law of the Poor', Anne Fleming
Does Federal Spending 'Coerce' States? Evidence from State Budgets, Brian Galle
Tax, Command -- or Nudge?: Evaluating the New Regulation, Brian Galle
Common Capital: A Thought Experiment in Cross-Border Resolution, Anna Gelpern
Russia’s Contract Arbitrage, Anna Gelpern
Mass Litigation Governance in the Post-Class Action Era: The Problems and Promise of Non-removable State Actions in Multi-district Litigation, J. Maria Glover
An Assessment of Mayor Bloomberg’s Public Health Legacy, Lawrence O. Gostin
Ebola: Towards an International Health Systems Fund, Lawrence O. Gostin
Healthy Living Needs Global Governance, Lawrence O. Gostin
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Following Brain Death: The McMath and Muñoz Cases, Lawrence O. Gostin
Limiting What We Can Eat: A Bridge Too Far?, Lawrence O. Gostin
Public Health Emergencies: What Counts?, Lawrence O. Gostin
The ACA’s Contraceptive Mandate: Religious Freedom, Women’s Health, and Corporate Personhood, Lawrence O. Gostin
Future Oversight of Recombinant DNA Research: Recommendations of an Institute of Medicine Committee, Lawrence O. Gostin, Bruce M. Altevogt, and Andrew M. Pope
Ebola: A Crisis in Global Health Leadership, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
Governing for Health as the World Grows Older: Healthy Lifespans in Aging Societies, Lawrence O. Gostin and Anna Garsia
E-Cigarettes, Vaping, and Youth, Lawrence O. Gostin and Aliza Y. Glasner
Is the United States Prepared for Ebola?, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., and Scott Burris
The Ebola Epidemic: A Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Lawrence O. Gostin, Daniel Lucey, and Alexandra Phelan
The Global Health Security Agenda in an Age of Biosecurity, Lawrence O. Gostin and Alexandra Phelan
Virus Sharing, Genetic Sequencing, and Global Health Security, Lawrence O. Gostin, Alexandra Phelan, Michael A. Stoto, John D. Kraemer, and K. Srinath Reddy
The Historic Role of Boards of Health in Local Innovation: New York City’s Soda Portion Case, Lawrence O. Gostin, Belinda H. Reeve, and Marice Ashe
Global Health and the Law, Lawrence O. Gostin and Devi Sridhar
The President’s National Security Agenda Curtailing Ebola, Safeguarding the Future, Lawrence O. Gostin, Henry A. Waxman, and William Foege
Civil Rights 3.0, Nan D. Hunter
Disruptive Technologies and the Law, Neal K. Katyal
Efficient Breach, Gregory Klass
Introduction to Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law, Gregory Klass
An Inference about Interference: A Surprising Application of Existing International Law to Inhibit Anti-Satellite Weapons, David A. Koplow
Nuclear Kellogg-Briand Pact: Proposing a Treaty for the Renunciation of Nuclear Wars as an Instrument of National Policy, David A. Koplow
What Would Zero Look Like? A Treaty for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, David A. Koplow
Judgment Day for Fraud-on-the-Market: Reflections on Amgen and the Second Coming of Halliburton, Donald C. Langevoort
Using Copyright to Combat Revenge Porn, Amanda Levendowski
Filling in the Blanks on Reducing Tobacco Product Addictiveness in the FCTC Partial Guidelines for Articles 9 & 10, Eric N. Lindblom
Regulating Sexual Harm: Strangers, Intimates, and Social Institutional Reform, Allegra M. McLeod
Elementary Statutory Interpretation: Rethinking Legislative Intent and History, Victoria Nourse
Overrides: The Super-Study, Victoria Nourse
The Constitution and Legislative History, Victoria Nourse
Public Health in the Age of Ebola in West Africa, Michael T. Osterholm, Kristine A. Moore, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Advocates, Federal Agencies, and the Education of Children with Disabilities, Eloise Pasachoff
Agency Enforcement of Spending Clause Statutes: A Defense of the Funding Cut-Off, Eloise Pasachoff
Libertarian Patriarchalism: Nudges, Procedural Roadblocks, and Reproductive Choice, Govind Persad
Delaware Public Benefit Corporations 90 Days Out: Who's Opting In?, Alicia E. Plerhoples
Engaging Outside Counsel in Transactional Law Clinics, Alicia E. Plerhoples and Amanda M. Spratley
Tax Advisors and Conflicted Citizens, Milton C. Regan
A Writing Revolution: Using Legal Writing's 'Hobble' to Solve Legal Education's Problem, Kristen Konrad Robbins-Tiscione
Bond v. United States: Concurring in the Judgment, Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz
Intellectual Diversity in the Legal Academy, Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz
The IRS Under Siege, Tanina Rostain and Milton C. Regan
Some Thoughts on the Fundamentals of an Evidence Code From the U.S. American Perspective, Paul F. Rothstein
Potential Competitive Effects of Vertical Mergers: A How-To Guide for Practitioners, Steven C. Salop and Daniel P. Culley
The Appropriate Legal Standard and Sufficient Economic Evidence for Exclusive Dealing under Section 2: the FTC’s McWane Case, Steven C. Salop, Sharis A. Pozen, and John R. Seward
Constitutional Skepticism: A Recovery and Preliminary Evaluation, Louis Michael Seidman
J. Skelly Wright and the Limits of Liberalism, Louis Michael Seidman
Representation in Context: Party Power and Lawyer Expertise, Colleen F. Shanahan, Anna E. Carpenter, and Alyx Mark
Sacred Trust or Sacred Right?, Jeffrey Shulman
Artificial Meaning, Lawrence B. Solum
Global Rules for Global Health: Why We Need An Independent, Impartial WHO, Devi Sridhar, Julio Frenk, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Suerie Moon
What Makes a Homepage Effective – AALS 2014 Presentation, Leslie R. Steinberg, Steven Barnes, and Roger Skalbeck