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Short Term Time Off (STO) refers to job-protected time away from the workplace (generally 5 days or less) to address anticipated or unexpected issues of limited duration. STO may be scheduled or unscheduled, depending on the underlying need. STO enables workers to address the routine and emergency situations that occur in everybody’s lives.
The need for STO may arise, for example, because a worker or worker’s child is sick or has a routine doctor’s appointment, because a worker has to wait for the plumber or apply for benefits or go to court, or because a worker needs to attend a school conference or a religious event or finish a term paper.
Recommended Citation
McGuire, Jean Flatley and Kenney, Kaitlyn, "Workplace Flexibility 2010: Facts on Short Term Time Off" (2005). Memos and Fact Sheets. 20.
Prepared on behalf of Workplace Flexibility 2010 by Jean Flatley McGuire, PhD and Kaitlyn Kenney, Doctoral Candidate; Northeastern University, Bouve College of Health Sciences.