Submissions from 2025
Biomanipulation, Laura K. Donohue
Submissions from 2024
Western Feminism Before and After October 7, Lama Abu-Odeh
The Law of General Average, Luca Anderlini and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
How to Use the New Restatement of Consumer Contracts: A Guide for Judges, Ian Ayres and Gregory Klass
Just What Are You Trying to Prove? The Relevance of History to Constitutional Theory and Practice, Randy E. Barnett
Felony Disenfranchisement and Voter Turnout: Randomized Trials in Iowa and Washington, Alexander Billy, J.J. Naddeo, and Neel U. Sukhatme
Mind the Gap(s): Mitigating Harassment in a Post #MeToo Workplace, Jamillah Bowman Williams, Elizabeth C. Tippett, and Anu Ramdin
Fears, Faith, and Facts in Environmental Law, William W. Buzbee
The Lawlessness of Sackett v. EPA, William W. Buzbee
Cultural Property: “Progressive Property In Action”, J. Peter Byrne
Equitable Thriving: A Lifecourse Approach to Maternal and Child Health Justice, Yael Cannon
How Is Access to Legal Resources and Advocacy Foundational to Health Justice?, Yael Zakai Cannon
The Persistent Public Health Emergency, Yael Zakai Cannon
Anti-Press Bias: A Response to Andersen Jones and West's Presuming Trustworthiness, Erin C. Carroll
Press Benefits and the Public Imagination, Erin C. Carroll
The Violence of Free Speech and Press Metaphors, Erin C. Carroll
Brown v. Board of Education: Enduring Caste and American Betrayal, Sheryll Cashin
Tort Liability and Unawareness, Surajeet Chakravarty, David Kelsey, and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
The Trade Origins of Privacy Law, Anupam Chander
The President’s Foreign Affairs Power Over Personal Data, Anupam Chander and Paul M. Schwartz
Bridging Silos: Environmental and Reproductive Justice in the Climate Crisis, Sara A. Colangelo
Designing and Developing a Medical-Legal Partnership to Address Cancer Patients' Health-Harming Legal Needs, Allison B. Dowling, Vicki W. Girard, Megan E. Gordon, Abigail Sweeney, Christopher M. Gallagher, Amy D. Ly, Lisa Kessler, and Deborah F. Perry
What It Takes to Write Statutes that Hold the Firearms Industry Accountable to Civil Justice, Heidi Li Feldman
Safeguarding the Pandemic Agreement from Disinformation, Alexandra Finch, Kevin A. Klock, Lawrence O. Gostin, Sam F. Halabi, and Sarah A. Wetter
Duality in Contract and Tort, Tim Friehe and Joshua C. Teitelbaum
Deny, Defund, and Divert: The Law and American Miseducation, Janel A. George
Teaching Global Health Law: Preparing the Next Generation for Future Challenges, Lawrence O. Gostin, Sarah L. Bosha, and Benjamin Mason Meier
The Health and Human Rights Impact Assessment: The Preeminent Value of Equity, Lawrence O. Gostin and Eric A. Friedman
The World Health Organization was born as a normative agency: Seventy-five years of global health law under WHO governance, Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin Mason Meier, Safura Abdool Karim, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Gian Luca Burci, Danwood Chirwa, Alexandra Finch, Eric A. Friedman, Roojin Habibi, Sam F. Halabi, Tsung-Ling Lee, Brigit Toebes, and Pedro Villarreal
American Law in the New Global Conflict, Mark Jia
Authoritarian Privacy, Mark Jia
High Theory in Chinese Law, Mark Jia
Whom Do Prosecutors Protect?, Vida Johnson
A Short History of the Interpretation-Construction Distinction, Gregory Klass
Two Forms of Formalism in Contract Law, Gregory Klass
Financing Reforms to Meet a Pivotal Moment in Global Health, Kevin A. Klock, Alexandra Finch, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Blinded by the Light: Resolving the Conflict Between Satellite Megaconstellations and Astronomy, David A. Koplow
Large Constellations of Small Satellites: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Illegal, David A. Koplow
Updating Senator Borah: A Nuclear Kellogg-Briand Pact, David A. Koplow
Textualism in Practice, Anita S. Krishnakumar
Micro International Law, Katrin Kuhlmann
The Taylor Swift Effect and International Law, Katrin Kuhlmann
AI Regulation: Competition, Arbitrage & Regulatory Capture, Filippo Lancieri, Laura Edelson, and Stefan Bechtold
Towards an Effective Merger Review Policy: A Defence of Rebuttable Structural Presumptions, Filippo Lancieri and Tommaso Valletti
Feminist Use, Amanda Levendowski
Hard Truths About Soft IP, Amanda Levendowski
Open Source Perfume, Amanda Levendowski
The Crime of Aggression: Its Nature, the Leadership Clause, and the Paradox of Immunity, David Luban
The (Still) Unexplored Possibilities of a Poetics of Law, Naomi Mezey
The Common Law’s Resistance to Gender Violence, Victoria Frances Nourse
Morrison’s Flawed “Focus” Test and the Transnational Application of the (Misinterpreted) Wire Fraud Statute, Julie R. O'Sullivan
Modernizing the Power of the Purse Statutes, Eloise Pasachoff
Establishing a Perinatal Medical-Legal Partnership to Address the Health-Harming Legal Needs of Pregnant and Postpartum Birthing People, Loral Patchen, Roxana Richardson, Lisa Kessler, Deborah Perry, Kimberly Martinez, and Vicki W. Girard
Congress's Power to Investigate Crime: Did Trump Kill Kilbourn?, David Rapallo
Access to Justice as Access to Data, Tanina Rostain
Measures of Justice: Researching and Evaluating Lay Legal Assistance Programs, Tanina Rostain and James Teufel
Prior Racist Acts and the Character Evidence Ban in Hate Crime Prosecutions, Paul F. Rothstein and Ronald J. Coleman
The Future Scope of the Character Evidence Prohibition: The Contextual Statutory Construction Argument that Could Finally Force the Policy Discussion, Paul F. Rothstein and Edward J. Imwinkelried
Asking the Right Questions: How Jill Fisch Debunks Narratives and Arrives at Solutions, Hillary A. Sale
Leveraging Information Forcing in Good Faith, Hillary A. Sale
Brown Now: The Surprising Possibility of Progressive Reform, Louis Michael Seidman
Addressing the Negative Externalities of Trade: Flanking Policies and the Role of Package Treaties, Gregory Shaffer
Breaking the Rules, Rima Sirota
Mandatory Anti-Bias CLE: A Serious Problem Deserves a More Meaningful Response, Rima Sirota
Political Affirmative Action, Girardeau A. Spann
Towards FDA–USPTO Cooperation, John R. Thomas
Converse-Osborn: State Sovereign Immunity, Standing, and the Dog-Wagging Effect of Article III, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Non-Extraterritoriality, Carlos Manuel Vázquez
Hachette v. Internet Archive: How and Why the Courts Broke Copyright, Michelle M. Wu
Submissions from 2023
Antitrust Worker Protections: Rejecting Multi-Market Balancing as a Justification for Anticompetitive Harms to Workers, Laura Alexander and Steven C. Salop
An Originalist Theory of Due Process of Law, Randy E. Barnett
Originalism After Dobbs, Bruen, and Kennedy: The Role of History and Tradition, Randy E. Barnett and Lawrence B. Solum
Race and Entrepreneurship: Reclaiming Narratives, Priya Baskaran and Alicia E. Plerhoples
Merger Enforcement Statistics: 2001-2020, Logan Billman and Steven C. Salop
Creditor Courts, Alexander Billy and Neel U. Sukhatme
Beyond the Business Case: Moving from Transactional to Transformational Inclusion, Jamillah Bowman Williams
Jazz Improvisation and the Law: Constrained Choice, Sequence, and Strategic Movement Within Rules, William W. Buzbee
Medical-Legal Partnership as a Model for Access to Justice, Yael Cannon
Advancing Racial Justice through Civil and Criminal Academic Medical-Legal Partnerships, Yael Cannon and Vida Johnson
Critical Perspectives to Advance Educational Equity and Health Justice, Yael Cannon and Nicole Tuchinda
Beyond the Watchdog: Using Law to Build Trust in the Press, Erin C. Carroll
When the Digital Services Act Goes Global, Anupam Chander
Privacy and/or Trade, Anupam Chander and Paul M. Schwartz
Infrastructuring the Digital Public Sphere, Julie E. Cohen
Surveillance, State Secrets, and the Future of Constitutional Rights, Laura K. Donohue
The Common Law and First Amendment Qualified Right of Public Access to Foreign Intelligence Law, Laura K. Donohue
Intellectual Property and the Politics of Public Good in COVID-19: Framing Law, Institutions, and Ideas during TRIPS Waiver Negotiations at the WTO, Sara E. Fischer, Lucia Vitale, Akinyi Lisa Agutu, and Matthew M. Kavanagh
Seeing Like a Chocolate City: Reimagining Detroit’s Future Through Its Past, Sheila R. Foster
The Global Health and Care Worker Compact: Evidence Base and Policy Considerations, Eric A. Friedman, Robert Bickford, Charles Bjork, James Campbell, Giorgio Cometto, Alexandra Finch, Catherine Kane, Sarah A. Wetter, and Lawrence O. Gostin
Leveraging Academic-Medical Legal Partnerships to Advance Health Justice, Vicki W. Girard, Yael Cannon, Deborah F. Perry, and Eileen S. Moore
Due Process Discontents in Mass-Tort Bankruptcy, J. Maria Glover
Recent Developments in Mandatory Arbitration Warfare: Winners and Losers (So Far) in Mass Arbitration, J. Maria Glover
Judicial Trends in the Era of Covid-19: Public Health in Peril, Lawrence O. Gostin
The WHO’s 75th anniversary: WHO at a pivotal moment in history, Lawrence O. Gostin, Danwood Mzikenge Chirwa, Helen Clark, Roojin Habibi, Björn Kümmel, Jemilah Mahmood, Benjamin Mason Meier, Winnie Mpanju-Shumbusho, K. Srinath Reddy, Attiya Waris, and Miriam Were
The Global Health Architecture: Governance and International Institutions to Advance Population Health Worldwide, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, and Alexandra Finch
The Origins of Covid-19 — Why It Matters (and Why It Doesn’t), Lawrence O. Gostin and Gigi K. Gronvall
Making the World Safer and Fairer in Pandemics, Lawrence O. Gostin, Kevin A. Klock, and Alexandra Finch
Advancing Equity In The Pandemic Treaty, Lawrence O. Gostin, Kevin A. Klock, Katherine Ginsbach, Sam F. Halabi, Taylor Hall-Debnam, Janelle Lewis, Vanessa S. Perlman, and Katie Robinson
Problems With Authority, Amy J. Griffin